Love Yourself More

Learning to change the way you speak to yourself...the thoughts that go through your mind... is an important thing to practice. You can learn to be kind to yourself & to be your biggest fan...especially when you are hurting...what a powerful gift of love to give yourself .

For example: What if you were grieving the loss of a relationship or of a business opportunity? Your mind might go to places of: "What was I thinking?", " Why didn't I do this?", "Or that?" ,"Why did I say this?", "Or that?", "Wasn't I good enough?". It can then go spiraling...taking you through all kinds of awful thoughts & feelings when you are already upset.

Now if a friend came to you and told you of their pain or sorrow, you would say you are sorry to hear they are going through this difficult time....that you are giving them love & hugs...& if there is any way they can help, let them know.

What a difference!! Can you feel it? Why not give yourself the same kind of love & support? The first thing is to be aware of your thoughts. For me, at times, I will literally say aloud "Stop!". My mind gets quiet & gives me a moment to center & choose a new thought pattern. This did not happen overnight & I continually work to improve, but it happens much more often & more easily then ever before. Just remember as you are trying to change... be kind to yourself. You are learning....& you are worth it!:)

Loving Your Beautiful Light!

~ Christi Rafferty

Love Yourself More

How are you doing with this one? Are you being kind to yourself?

This is such an important place to start so you can begin shining your brightest!  No one can give this to you.  You have to do it for yourself.  You need to be 100% loving you....& then, you can love the world 100%!


Today write down a list of wonderful things about you.  I know that you have sooo many & your loved ones could write a book:), but you need to come up with this list on your for this, set a timer & give yourself 2 minutes to shower yourself with love!  This is the being kind to yourself part;) 

I want you to write quickly & just let them fly out so you won't question, edit, &/or critique them.  When your time is up, read them back to yourself & allow yourself to truly feel them.  Don't just race through.  Open your heart to receive.  Try adding "I am" in front of the words you've just listed & see how that feels....more powerful? easier to claim?

I know that you are very special, wonderfully love-filled & a unique gift to the world! Do you know that? It's time to's time to shine...YOU! 

Love Yourself More

Happy 2015!

Did you set New Year's Resolutions? How are they going for you so far?  Are they of the lose weight- stop smoking- save money kind of resolution?

This year choose one~a new one:

Love yourself more

Why this one?   There is only one of you in the whole world!  Can you see your beautiful bright light? Do you know you were made to shine? What a unique & precious gift you are to everyone...makes me smile just thinking of you! Do you believe it?

If you don't feel that way, how will you ever be truly happy & fully shining?

Start with love of self & watch it light you up!  Here are a couple of quick ideas to get you started:

Look in the mirror...really look at yourself in the eyes & say aloud "I am a unique & precious gift. I am loved. I am love." Can you feel it?  I know it sounds silly, but trust me.

Eat your meal at the table with a candle lit, cloth napkins, your special dishes(that until this point you've only used at the holidays),nice music, maybe flowers...go crazy! Make this experience special for YOU!  It may seem like extra work, but aren't you worth it?!

Be kind to yourself. Every time you think along the lines of I should have done this instead or I shouldn't have said that & what was I thinking even considering....stop yourself. Say "stop" in your mind & then comfort yourself as you would a good friend.