Love in December

"Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough." ~Emily Dickinson

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Look at me...could there be any more JOY?! It makes me smile just seeing little me enJOYing;) lol Stay in the NOW, open your heart w i d e & experience Life with ALL of your senses!!! There's truly so much pleasure to be discovered!!! The gift of Life awaits..what's keeping you from FULLY experiencing it? EnJOY!!!!

~ Christi Rafferty

Love in December

"People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day." ~ Winnie-the-Pooh

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LOL!!!...seriously though...always make sure to save time for doing nothing.  It's the place of Being. It is a place where the mind is quiet, the heart is overflowing & your Beautiful Spirit embraces you with Peace!!! Who doesn't want to do "nothing" like that?!;) HUGS!

~ Christi Rafferty


Love in December

"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul ~and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all." ~Emily Dickinson


Take a moment during this busy season...just a doesn't take long. Shut your eyes, take a breath & listen to your Inner Music. No one has your song...let it make you smile, fill you with Love & a never-ending Belief that all is well. HUGS!!!

~ Christi Rafferty

Love in December

"You know what the issue is with this world?" Everyone wants a magical solution to their problem, and everyone refuses to believe in magic."

~ Alice in Wonderland

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Believe in Magic!!! There's so much Magic in the World...& it brings immeasurable JOY!!! Find your connection today...there's no better time than NOW!!! Whether it's the Beautiful Magic in watching a leaf slowly spiral down to the ground or uncontrollable giggling of a young present & enJOY the Magic!!! HUGS!!! ~Christi Rafferty

Love in December

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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There is no one like you in the whole are a Miracle! There is nothing you have to do or "fix" or change to be this simply are AMAZING... just as you are! So LOVE this Miracle of YOU & simply BE.  You are loved!

~ Christi Rafferty

The Four Agreements - October 9th

The book choice for this class: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

Come join us  October 9th at 7:00pm.


There is still time to register.

This is a quick read & POWERFUL! The lessons contained will take longer to learn;) We will discuss things like how to live these agreements in your daily life & what kind of a difference they can make.

There is no better time than NOW to connect to your own Magnificence! Come SHINE with us!!! We'd LOVE to see you there!!!

Be Love ~ Be YOU...Simply SHINE!!! 

Spiritual Book Exploration Course

Spiritual Book Exploration Course

Begins September 11th


First Book: You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay
Start reading & let Spirit speak to your Heart

Have you been thinking about this course? Wondering if it is for you? Here are the things to ask yourSelf:

Am I looking for a community to share about my experiences & understandings of things Unseen? well as the Journey of going Within? You as a group have told me YES!!! That is one of the things you have valued about our get togethers & I have to say, I am most excited about this aspect. When I finally met people on the Path, there was such relief that I was not alone. I have maintained those friendships as we can discuss those "unusual" occurrences without them seeming so unusual & get other Insights into the hows or whys of it all. It's a Blessing!

Am I able to actually read a book a month? YES!!! Some books are quick & easy reads & some take a little more time, but a month is plenty to get it done. If by chance, you have an extremely busy month where it doesn't get done, you will still be able to participate & learn as well as practice being KIND to yourself for not getting to it.

Am I worth this investment of time & money?  YES!!! You are!!! & if you aren't sure, more the reason to show up to this so at the end you can say YES!!!

Am I going to enJOY myself? YES!!! People can get so very serious about their spirituality. Yes, I believe there is a Sacredness to our Journey , but I also believe we are meant to be open, playful & eternally inquisitive.

If you are still unsure & want to talk to me about it, please feel free to do so 484-459-2462. Otherwise, just sit in the stillness, connect to yourSELF & listen for direction. I have no doubt that if you are meant to be in this Course, Spirit will put it on your Heart!
Have a SHINY one!