Goodmorning, Sunshine!

The other day on my way to New York, I watched as people got in line to pay for their food at the rest stop & barely looked at the cashier...the person serving them. She seemed so unhappy.   I tried to engage the cashier & she was surprised. The man who pumped my gas in NJ was definitely surprised, but broke out in a HUGE smile. Take a moment to truly connect with everyone who comes across your path...even if it is a how are you today? or a simple thank you so much for helping me today as you make eye contact. Everyone wants to feel seen & appreciated...& since you are going about with your heart w i d e open, you are just the one to do it!! It is going to bring so much JOY!!!...not just to those you connect with, but to you. Simply SHINE!!!

~Christi Rafferty  

Good Morning, Sunshine!

So how have you started 2017? Are you making lists of what you are wishing for this year? What you want to learn? to experience? to accomplish? to feel? Anything is's all brand new...all kinds of SHINY!  We may all focus on this at the beginning of the year, but this opportunity is available every day...every moment. Keep your heart open w i d e, your Spirit nourished, & your arms outstretched to embrace this miraculous Life!!! Happy HAPPY 2017!!!

~ Christi Rafferty

Good Morning, Sunshine!

It's the last day in 2016...a time to let go of anything you do not wish to take with you into 2017. Watch the sunset & as it slips out of view, let it take those things..fears, doubts, anger, regrets, etc.. right along with it. Feel the gratitude for this day...& all the ones you've had this year. It has brought you to this moment...& has prepared you for this AMAZING SHINY New Year!!

~Christi Rafferty

Good Afternoon, Sunshine!

"I miss the sound of your voice...And I miss the rush of your skin...And I miss the still of the you breathe out and I breathe in." song Come On Get Higher by Matt Nathanson

For some, they are feeling the JOY of this holiday season. For others, they are missing loved ones who have passed to the Other Side...or who they are just unable to be with at this time. Keep your heart open w i d e & share your Love with all those who cross your never know how much it might be needed & appreciated. Simply SHINE!

~ Christi Rafferty