Let's Talk Mediumship Event

It's not too late to register!

March 18th, 2015  ~ 6:30pm-8:30pm
Abundance Exchange: $20.00

How does Mediumship work? What is the purpose in  communicating with the Spirit Guests ~ your departed loved ones? Does every Medium work in the same way? Can you learn to become a medium? This is an opportunity to come and ask Christi what you have been wanting to know.

She will share:

  •  the different ways Spirit can communicate
  •  the way her mediumship has unfolded & evolved
  •  some of the wonderful stories from the Spirit Guests
    • ...both from her own mediumship as well as those messages she has received from other mediums

Bring your questions, your curiosity, & your own experiences. Let's share & talk about the wonderful amazing world of Spirit!

Register at www.simplyshine.net.


Meditation Time

7:00pm This Sunday Evening ~ February 22nd
It's not too late! Join us!
 Note: next one is March 15th

Come to the Spirit-Guided Meditation at Simply Shine!  Give the gift to yourself...there is no better way to start your week off ~ centered, relaxed, & connected to your Soul.   Please register for this free goodwill offering so we know when everyone has arrived. Thank you!  ~Christi Rafferty

Meditation at Simply Shine

It's not too late!

Come to the Spirit-Guided Meditation at Simply Shine!  Give the gift to yourself. There is no better way to start your week off ~ centered, relaxed, & connected to your Soul.

7:00pm This Sunday Evening ~ February 8th 

Please register for this free goodwill offering so we know when everyone has arrived.  Thank you!  ~Christi Rafferty




Valentine's Day Mediumship Event

Valentine's Day Mediumship Public Event

February 14th, 2015 at Simply Shine

10:30am or 3:00pm ~ approximately 2 hours 

Abundance Exchange: $35.00 ~ limited availability

Valentine's Day is a day we celebrate the love we feel for the very special people in our lives.  This year, feel the love from those in Spirit as they come forward to share with you. 

This is a public event where you can watch a medium work up close and personal.  The Spirit Guests, whether they are known to you personally or not, will make you laugh, touch your heart and make you truly see that life goes on for them. It will be a time filled with love & what better way to celebrate Valentine's Day!